Monday, July 28, 2008

Bilingual Baby

It is very apparent in any bilingual baby that he develops quite late compare to a monolingual baby. The former can easily utter two or more simple words in his first year. Sometimes the case is much earlier.
Children who grow up hearing to different languages face certain challenges, and also have some advantages. When babies grow up hearing two different languages in about equal amounts. most become fluent in both languages simultaneously. There is no cost in terms of emotional or intellectual delays. For example, they may find it easier to learn certain grammar rules or rules relating to reading and writing. And, of course, they can speak with a wider range of people than children who speak a single language.
Parents must encourage their babies to speak two languages for this will be beneficial on their child when the time comes that the child is send to school.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I am an linguist and I just want to point out that the idea that bilingual children develop late or face extra challenges compared to monolingual children is a popular, but unfounded, myth. It is true that multilingual children enjoy advantages in terms of brain and social development, but in all of the research comparing monolingual and multilingual children, there has never been any evidence showing any disadvantages whatsoever to growing up multilingual.

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